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Модератор форума: Human  
Clan charter
Human Понедельник, 02.04.2012, 14:03 | Сообщение # 1
Создатель сайта
Сообщений: 919

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1.1 After acceptance in a clan in official/not official games to have a nickname in shape: <|ED|> nickname
1.3 To follow instructions of the head of clan.
1.4 The fighter is obliged to participate in team games.
1.5 To be comprehensively developed person, not to be nerd, or something else, to communicate with the member.
1.6 Each player should possess good skills on the game Swat 4 TSS
1.7 Be on the clan trainings (surely).
1.8 The fighter should develop skills and fight tactics in any conditions and on any cards.
1.9 Not to disappear from the Internet for the term of more than two weeks without the preliminary prevention. At the district for long time to tell to the captain or to write at a forum.
1.10 Constantly to train and develop the abilities of game in SWAT of 4 TSS, and also to impart experience the knowledge saved up in this area and with other members of the clan.
1.11 To tell nobody tactics of our clan.
1.12 To respect the captain and the highest on a rank.
1.13 To listen on CW tactics and the captain of a clan!

II. It is forbidden:

2.1 To consist at the same time in other clan of SWAT of 4 TSS.
2.2 ANY use of ANY cheats is forbidden.
2.3 To offend member.
2.4 To use obscene lexicon at a clan site/forum.
2.5 INTENDED wound of a member (except the round end) is forbidden,
especially intended murder.
2.6 Negatively to express a clan
2.7 To offend rivals (especially during CW).

IV. Purposes and problem of a clan:

4.1 Association of players.
4.2 Internet community creation on interests within Game.
4.3 Assistance to Members of the clan within Game, and not only.
4.4 Establishment and maintenance of the friendly relations between Members of the clan.
4.5 To participate in tournaments, trainings, the Fan Varakh, the Clan Varakh both in a clan, and with other clans.

V. Clan forum

5.1 The forum - is the main means of communication of Members of the clan.
5.2 The forum can be used also by Members of other Clans and independent Players for communication with Members of the clan.
5.3 The charter doesn't limit different ways of communication of Members of the clan.

VI. Rights of Members of the clan

6.1 to play and enjoy Game.
6.2 to communicate and enjoy communication.
6.3 to participate in Clan life moderately a personal interest and possibilities.
6.4 to use possibilities of the Clan and the help of his Members.

VII. Responsibility of Members of the clan

7.1 Ignorance of the Charter of the Clan doesn't relieve from responsibility.
7.2 The member of the clan who has made action, caused a damage to the Clan, is punished - the prevention. 3 prevention - assignment from a clan.

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Связь с нами

  • Admin skype: urik___1
  • Admin x-fire: prourik
  • Leader skype: smoker.mc
  • Leader x-fire: smokermc02

О клане

  • У нас есть свой сервер!
  • Клан был создан 01.03.2012 по игре SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate!
  • Мы категорически против читов!